CEFIPRA CSRP Project (2022–2025) – 190 k€.
→ My role : PI for IMT Atlantique.
(Exploring Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for Data-driven Modeling of Poly-pharmacy Adverse Drug Events from drug-drug interactions)
Beyond 5G project (2021–2024) – 7 m€.
→ My role : Task leader for IMT Atlantique (until 2023).
(Sovereign and resilient solutions for 5G and Beyond)
IA@IMT (2021–2024) – 3 m€.
→ My role : Task leader for IMT Atlantique.
(IA & Cybersecurity – Trust and game theory)
European Digital Innovation Hub EDIH-Bretagne (2022–2027) – 5,5 m€.
→ My role : PI for IMT Atlantique (until 2023).
(Accelerate the digitization and Cybersecurity of SMEs/MCs/PSOs having innovation at the heart ofits value proposition)
ANR AMI CMA Train-Cyber-Expert (2023–2028) – 4 m€.
→ My role : PI for IMT Atlantique (until 2023).
(Meet the needs of the market by training more cybersecurity experts, by building educational resources in the form of digital content and technology platforms)
CEFIPRA Raman Charpak Fellowship for Pranav Nerurkar (2020) – 12 k€.
→ My role : PI for IMT Atlantique.
CIFRE Fellowship for Jérôme Henry (2019-2021) – 45k€.
→ My role : co-PI for IMT Atlantique.
ONCOSHARe Project (2018–2020) – 280 k€.
→ My role : Co-PI for IMT Atlantique.
(ONCOlogy big data SHAring for Research)
ANR PRC Inshare (2016–2019) – 750 k€.
→ My role : Co-PI for IMT Atlantique
LabEx BigClin (2016–2019) – 265 k€.
→ My role : PI for Ensai.
Microsoft Research Azure Award (2016–2017) – 20 k€.
→ My role : Principal Investigator.
CIFRE Fellowship for Alassane Samba (2015-2018) – 30k€.
→ My role : PI for ENSAI.
Microsoft Research Azure Award (2015–2016) – 20 k€.
→ My role : Principal Investigator.
ANR INFRA SocioPlug (2013–2018) – 630 k€.
→ My role : Principal Investigator (PI).
LabEx DeSceNt (2013–2016) – 355 k€.
→ My role : Responsible for a WP.
Research chairs
OM&AI2MD (2021–2024) – 200 k€.
→ My role : PI for IRISA.
Title : Operations Models and Artificial Intelligence to Manage Disasters Partners : Rennes Metropole
Academic partners : IMT Atlantique, Rennes School of Business
Cyber CNI (2017–2023) – 350 k€/year.
→ My role : Financial chairman.
Title : Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures
Partners : Conseil Régional de Bretagne, Airbus Cybersecurity, Amossys, BNP Paribas, EDF, Nokia Bell Labs, SNCF
Academic partners : IMT Atlantique, Telecom Paris, Telecom SudParis
PRACom (2006–2023) – 200 k€/year.
→ My role : Co-PI for IMT Atlantique.
Title : Pôle de Recherche Avancée en Communications
Partners : Orange, Safran Data Systems, Mitsubishi Electric R&D, TurboConcept, ANRT Maroc, INEO Défense, Interface Concept, MVG Industries
Collaborations and visits
— Indian Institute of Technology Indore – India (2022–23). Visiting Professor for the academic year
— Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI Mumbai) – India (2019–2022). Invited Professor for several weeks among 3 years.
— Indian Institute of Technology Indore – India (2016). Invited Professor for 2 weeks under GIAN funding
— Università di Roma – « La Sapienza » (2016). Invited Professor for 3 months
— Università di Roma – « La Sapienza » (2008-2009). Post-doctoral position for 1 year
— University of Ottawa (2004). Internship for 3 months
Invited Seminars
— How Federated Learning Help in Incident Detection of Large-scale Network Security? Keynote with Leo Lavaur at EUR CyberSchool, Rennes, France, April 2023
— How AI and federated learning will revolutionize large-scale network security ? Invited talk at IIT Indore, India, March 2023
— The value of learning for securing large-scale networks. Invited talk at IMT Webinar – Cyber&Risque, Online, March 2023
— The value of learning for securing large-scale networks. Invited talk at IMT-Inria-NICT Cybersecurity Workshop, Campus Cyber, Paris, France, March 2023
— Blockchain : an introduction to large-scale distributed systems. Invited talk at IIT Indore, India, January 2023
— Involvement of AI in Cyber-Attack Detection. Invited talk at 3rd Japanese-German-French AI Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, October 2022
— The value of learning for securing large-scale networks. Invited talk at 7th Franco-Japanese Cybersecurity Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, October 2022
— Drone Fleet Coordination : How self-organisation solves all your problems. Invited talk at IIT Indore, India, August 2022
— Drone Fleet Coordination : How self-organisation solves all your problems. Invited tutorial at GDR RSD ResCom Summer School, Yennes, June 2022
— How self-organisation and decentralisation should make a smarter world ? Invited talk at UPL Sustainable University, India, March 2022
— L’auto-organisation et la décentralisation pour un monde plus intelligent ! Invited talk at CITI, Lyon, February 2022
— Blockchain Technology : Fundamentals of Synchronization and Distributed Consensus. Invited Professor (virtual) at VJTI Mumbai, India, September 2021
— How self-organisation and decentralisation should make a smarter world ? Keynote (virtual) at International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication, Kochi, India, July 2021
— Attack-tolerant Sampling Methods over Sliding Window for Distributed Streams. Keynote (virtual) at International Conference on Data Sciences and Engineering, Cochin University, India, December 2020
— Blockchain Technology : Fundamentals of Synchronization and Distributed Consensus. Invited Professor (virtual) at VJTI Mumbai, India, August 2020
— Sampling in blockchains. Keynote at Finishing School/Workshop on Blockchain Technology, VJTI Mumbai, India, February 2020
— The need for enlightened sampling and self-organisation in the supervision of large-scale networks. Invited seminar at IISc Bangalore, India, February 2020
— Blockchain Technology : Synchronization, Consensus and Token Economy. Cycle of seminars as Invited Professor at VJTI Mumbai, India, September 2019
— The need for enlightened sampling in the supervision of large-scale networks. Keynote at the International Conference on Data Sciences and Engineering, IIT Patna, India, September 2019
— Large-scale data streaming. Invited seminar at FEIT, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, August 2019
— Le besoin d’échantillonnage avisé dans la supervision de réseaux à grande échelle. Invited seminar at Laboratoire I3S de Sophia-Antipolis, France, April 2019
— Blockchain opportunities in Europe & Diploma certification using the blockchain @ IMT Atlantique. Invited talk at International workshop on Blockchain for Global Good, VJTI Mumbai, India, March 2019
— Le besoin d’échantillonnage avisé dans la supervision de réseaux à grande échelle. Invited seminar at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, France, January 2019.
— Big Data Panorama & Large-scale Data Streaming. Keynoteat CEP/FDP on BigData Computing, IIT Patna, India, December 2018
— How to generate uniform Samples on large-scale data streams. Invited seminar at SMURF Workshop : Survey Methods and their use in Related Fields, Institute of Statistics, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 2018.
— Comment créer un cloud social sécurisé pour ses données ? Le projet SocioPlug ! Invited seminar at 23e Technoférence du Pôle Images&Réseaux, Nantes, France, December 2017.
— Analyse et traitement de flux de données à large échelle. Invited seminar at Journées nonthématiques RESCOM 2017, Nice, France, January 2017.
— Big Data Stream Analytics. Cycle of seminars as Invited Professor at Indian Institute ofTechnology, Indore, India, October 2016.
— Comment générer des échantillons uniformes sur des grandes masses de données ? Invited seminar at 9e Colloque Francophone sur les sondages, Gatineau, Canada, October 2016.
— Efficient stream analysis and its applica1on to big data processing Invited seminar at HuaweiTechnologies, France Research Center, Boulogne, France, October 2016.
— Big Data for Security and Safety. Cycle of seminars as Invited Professor at La Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy, April 2016.
— Putting Health Data into Big Data. Invited seminar at Data Sciences Symposium, 40 ans de l’IRISA, Rennes, France, November 2015.
— Dependable Issues Resolved with Distributed Streams. Invited seminar at LIP6, Paris, France, October 2015.
— Le Big Data ou comment valoriser les données personnelles d’autrui. Invited seminar at Lycée Brizeux, Quimper, France, October 2015.
— Rapide panorama du Big Data : quel intérêt pour le renseignement ? Invited seminar at Séminaire DGA : Traitement de l’information multimodale et « Big Data », Arcueil, France, October 2015.
— Uniform Sampling and Deviation Estimation between Distributed Data Streams. Invited seminar at Brown bag seminar de l’Ensai. Bruz, France, January 2015.
— Le projet SocioPlug (fédération de Raspberry Pi) et présentation de l’approche de sécurisation par flux de données. Invited seminar at Séminaire au vert du LINA. Pornichet, France, May 2014.
— Systèmes d’information répartis, ou comment rendre l’anarchie à grande échelle possible. Invited seminar at Lycée Brizeux, Quimper, France, March 2014.
— Large-scale data stream analysis. Invited seminar at l’Ensai, Rennes, France, February 2014.
— Analyse de flux de données à grande échelle. Invited seminar at LaBRI, Bordeaux, France,December 2013.
— Retour d’expérience sur la formation ISN dans l’académie de Nantes. Invited seminar at congrès de la SIF 2013, Sophia-Antipolis, France, February 2013.
— De l’essence à la diversité des protocoles épidémiques. Invited seminar at Séminaire au vert du LINA. Ile de Berder, France, October 2010.
— Large-scale information system : moving theory into practice. Invited seminar at Brown Bag Seminar au LINA. Nantes, France, January 2010.
— How to track deterministically moving objects using a binary sensor network. Invited seminar at Télécom Bretagne. Rennes, France, April 2009.
— How to track deterministically moving objects using a binary sensor network. Invited seminar at “la Sapienza” – Università di Roma. Rome, Italy, December 2008.
— SOLIST : A Lightweight Multi-Overlay Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks. Invited seminar at “la Sapienza” – Università di Roma. Rome, Italy, November 2007.
— Verification in distributed system protocols. Invited seminar at SITE – University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, August 2004.
Conference talks
— Federated Learning × Security in Network Management. Tutorial with Leo Lavaur at IEEE ICDCS 2024, Jersey City, USA, July 2024
— FTM-Broadcast : Détermination efficace de coordonnées sur un réseau à grande échelle. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2024, Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, France, May 2024
— Federated Learning × Security in Network Management. Tutorial with Leo Lavaur at IEEE NoF 2023, Izmir, Turkey, October 2023
— Exploiting wireless network broadcasting for a more efficient 2-ways ranging. Technical talk at Journées du GDR RSD 2023, Lyon, France, January 2023
— Solution compacte aux requêtes d’appartenance sur des flux de données. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2020, Lyon, France, October 2020
— VESPA, ou l’art de coordonner une flotte de drone sans leader. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2020, Lyon, France, September 2020
— Attack-tolerant Unequal Probability Sampling Methods over Sliding Window for Distributed Streams. Technical talk at ICCDA 2020, San Jose, USA, March 2020
— Self-organized Disaster Management System by Distributed Deployment of Connected UAVs. Technical talk at ICT-DM 2019, Paris, France, December 2019
— L’art d’extraire des éléments du top-k en temps réel, sur des fenêtres glissantes réparties. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2019, Narbonne, France, June 2019
— Finding Top-k Most Frequent Items in Distributed Streams in the Time-Sliding Window Model. Technical talk at DSN 2018, Luxembourg, June 2018
— Ordonnancement dynamique pour un équilibrage de charge quasi-optimal dans les systèmes de traitement de flux. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2017, Quiberon, France, June 2017
— Online Scheduling for Shuffle Grouping in Distributed Stream Processing Systems. Technical talk at Middleware 2016, Trento, Italy, December 2016.
— Estimer la corrélation à la volée entre flux massifs est possible avec très peu de mémoire. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2015, Beaune, France, June 2015.
— Distributed Large-Scale Data Stream Analysis. Tutorial at OPODIS, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, December 2014.
— Nothing can compare with a population, besides agents. Tutorial at ICT, Lisbonne, Portugal, May 2014.
— Analyse de flux de données à grande échelle. Tutorial at ComPAS, Neuchatel, Switzerland, April 2014.
— An Information Divergence Estimation over Data Streams. Technical talk at IEEE NCA2012, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 2012.
— AnKLe : détection automatique d’attaques par divergence d’information. Technical talk at AlgoTel 2012, La Grande Motte, France, June 2012.
— Characterizing the Adversarial Power in Uniform and Ergodic Node Sampling. Technical talk at AlMoDEP @ DISC 2011. Roma, Italy, September 2011.
— Uniform and Ergodic Sampling in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems with Malicious Nodes. Technical talk at OPODIS’10. Tozeur, Tunisia, December 2010.
— Trust your Social Network According to Satisfaction, Reputation and Privacy. Technical talk at WRAS @ PODC’10. Zurich, Switzerland, July 2010.
— Towards Connectivity Management, using Social Networking. Technical talk at SNDS @ PODC’10. Zurich, Switzerland, July 2010.
— Dynamic Computation of Population Protocols. Technical talk at ICT’10, Doha, Qatar, April 2010.
— A Formal Characterization of Uniform Peer Sampling based on View Shuffling. Technical talk at WRAS @ PDCAT’09. Hiroshima, Japan, December 2009.
— On Gossip and Populations. Technical talk at SIROCCO’09. Piran, Slovenia, May 2009.
— SOLIST or How to Look for a Needle in a Haystack Technical talk at WiMob’08. Avignon, France, October 2008.
— On the deterministic tracking of moving objects with a binary sensor network. Technical talk at DCOSS ’08, Ile Santorin, Greece, June 2008.
— Suivi et identification de trajectoires sur un réseau de capteurs binaires. Technical talk at AlgoTel’08, Saint-Malo, France, May 2008.
— Solist : Structure multi-couche P2P à faible consommation pour les réseaux de capteurs sans-fil. Technical talk at CFSE’6, Fribourg, Switzerland, February 2008.
— GCP : Gossip-based code propagation for large-scale mobile wireless sensor network. Technical talk at Autonomics’07, Rome, Italy, October 2007.
— SOLIST : Self-Organized Large-scale Inventory STructure with Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical talk at 2nd Authoring Worksohp of EuroSys’07, Lisbonne, Portugal, March 2007.
— ProxSem : Interest-based proximity measure to improve search efficiency in p2p systems. Technical talk at ECUMN’07, Toulouse, France, February 2007.
— ProxSem : Mesure de proximité sémantique pour les systèmes de partage de fichiers pair-à-pair. Technical talk at CFSE’5, Perpignan, France, October 2006.
— Prise en compte d’aspects sémantiques dans la construction d’un réseau pair-à-pair. Technical talk at MajecSTIC’05, Rennes, France, November 2005.